Sep 10 / Dr. Dennis Hartlieb

Kois Dento-Facial Analyzer Clinical Mini Tip

Dr. Hartlieb demonstrates the use of the Kois Dento-Facial Analyzer.

Earbow Technique:

In this clinical mini tip, Dr. Dennis Hartlieb shares helpful insights on how to demonstrate using the SAM 3 ear bow for dental impressions.

Dr. Hartlieb shows how to position the earbow, secure it with adhesive, and apply the bite registration material evenly. He emphasizes the importance of aligning the patient’s face and the horizon, using a photo to confirm accuracy.

This mini tip ends with preparing the Kois-Dento Facial Analyzer for lab use, highlighting its value in advanced dental work.

You can learn more about the Kois-Dento Facial Analyzer here.

  • In this mini tip you'll review:
  • 1:29 Using a mounting plate
  • 2:54 Registration of the upper cast
  •  6:13 Analyze and photograph

Dennis Hartlieb, DDS, AAACD

Dr. Hartlieb is the founder & CEO of Dental Online Training. Dr. Hartlieb is an Accredited member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AAACD), a Member of the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry, the American Academy of Restorative Dentistry, and he runs a full-time cosmetic and restorative practice in Chicago.

Dr. Hartlieb is the host of the Dental Online Training Sharecast which you can find wherever you listen to podcasts.

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