Mar 12 / Dr. Dennis Hartlieb

How to Use a Traditional Facebow Mini Tip

Dr. Hartlieb demonstrates the use of a traditional facebow, or earbow, from the Sam 3 articulator system.

Traditional Facebow Technique:

Dr. Dennis Hartlieb walks us through a step-by-step demonstration of effectively capturing facebows for precise clinical application on a live patient.

In this clinical mini tip, discover how to facilitate the transfer of upper models to articulators, particularly in cases involving anterior teeth or comprehensive dentistry. Gain practical insights into when and why facebows are indispensable for achieving optimal treatment outcomes.

  • 1:37 Technique for taking impressions of the upper teeth
  • 3:24 Positioning the patient's head and chin for accurate readings
  • 4:37 How to properly use bite registration material
  • 5:59 Setting up Erica for a facial analysis
  • 7:55 Ensuring parallel to horizon for accurate dental impressions
  • 9:38 Proper alignment of earbow before mounting on the articulator
  • 9:55 Taking the final photographs
  • 10:43 Removing the facebow from the patient

Dennis Hartlieb, DDS, AAACD

Dr. Hartlieb is the founder & CEO of Dental Online Training. Dr. Hartlieb is an Accredited member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AAACD), a Member of the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry, the American Academy of Restorative Dentistry, and he runs a full-time cosmetic and restorative practice in Chicago.

Dr. Hartlieb is the host of the Dental Online Training Sharecast which you can find wherever you listen to podcasts.

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