Blocking out the metal post with pink opaque

Blocking out the metal post with pink opaque

Our patients’ demands are increasingly heightened due to many influences, including media, marketing, and social media.

In these situations, where the metal post and core cannot be removed, the dentist has a couple of options.

1- The first option is to leave the metal post and core as it is and use a highly opaque crown material to block out the shine thru of the post/core.
2- The second option is to block out the metal at the tooth preparation.

I believe my ceramist is able to create the most natural esthetics with lithium disilicate (eMax, Lisi), rather than with zirconia, so I absolutely needed to block out the metal post and dark tooth structure.

Let me walk you through the step-by-step technique.

1. Microetch (sand blast) with 25-50 micron aluminum oxide
2. Rinse and dry
3. Use self-etch primer on all tooth structure, 20 seconds, air dry
4. Place a metal primer on the metal post and core and air dry
5. Place the ‘bond’ (2nd bottle of Clearfil SE) over the primed tooth structure and post and core.

6. Light cure 20 seconds
Ok, now we are ready to start blocking out the post and core and the dark tooth structure, so a few more steps:
7. Using an artist’s brush, paint a thick layer of pink opaque (Creative Colors, Cosmedent) over the metal, feathering onto the tooth structure and light cure, 10 seconds.

8. Evaluate to see if there is still metal shine thru – if so, add another layer, though thinner to complete masking of the metal. Light cure 10 seconds.
9. Using the same artist’s brush, cleaned with an alcohol gauze, place a layer of the opaquer (Creative Color, Cosmedent) of the Vita shade that you want for your tooth prep (i.e. A2). Light cure 10 seconds.

10. Place a thin layer of dentin composite (Renamel Hybrid, Cosmedent) to complete the proper tooth form. Light cure 30-60 seconds for final cure.

11. Reprep and polish for final crown preparations.