Apr 9 / Dr. Dennis Hartlieb

Composite Pit Repair Mini Tip

Dr. Hartlieb will demonstrate how to do a pit repair with composite.

Composite Pit Repair Technique:

Dr. Dennis Hartlieb presents a comprehensive guide to composite pit repair in this clinical mini tip. Dive into the step-by-step process of pit repair, showcasing techniques such as roughening up the composite for better adhesion, creating a deeper chamfer to eliminate the pit, applying adhesive, and precisely blending the composite for a seamless finish.

This mini tip provides invaluable insights and practical strategies for dental professionals to enhance their skills in composite pit repair, ultimately improving the quality of care they deliver to their patients. 

  • In this mini tip you'll see:
  • 1:41 Roughen the tooth with a flexi-disc
  • 2:36 Eliminate the pit with a diamond bur
  • 3:29 Paint on adhesive with a micro brush
  • 4:46 Inject the composite into the pit
  • 5:23 Blend the composite with the IPC instrument
  • 6:22 Cure the composite 
  • 7:05 Smooth out the composite with a course disc

Dennis Hartlieb, DDS, AAACD

Dr. Hartlieb is the founder & CEO of Dental Online Training. Dr. Hartlieb is an Accredited member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AAACD), a Member of the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry, the American Academy of Restorative Dentistry, and he runs a full-time cosmetic and restorative practice in Chicago.

Dr. Hartlieb is the host of the Dental Online Training Sharecast which you can find wherever you listen to podcasts.

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