EXOCAD: Foundation

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  • Dr. Melissa Seibert
  • On-Demand
  • 2 CE Credits Hours
  • 62 Video Modules


This course covers the benefits of using Exocad, equipment and software requirements, using shortcuts to save time, and exploring all the features you might use on a patient's case.

Gain the skills to confidently navigate and build cases in Exocad software.
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Dr. Melissa Seibert reviews all the features you can use to improve your practice with the Exocad software . You will learn:
  • How to improve communication, and save time with your patients, and with labs.
  • What type of equipment and operating system requirements you will need.
  • Which Hot Keys to use to save yourself time with shortcuts and presets.
  • When to use advanced features on a case.
During the hands-on demonstration, follow along as Dr. Seibert demonstrates loading and adjusting patient case examples.
  • Learn how to upload your case into the Exocad software.
  • Practice manipulating your digital waxup in Exocad.
  • Load your digital waxup onto the occlusal plane and print the final model.
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Dental Online Training
Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement. 10/1/2021 to 9/30/2024. Provider ID# 398961

Melissa Seibert, DMD, MS

Melissa Seibert is a comprehensive dentist proudly serving in the Air Force. She holds a dual faculty appointment at Uniformed Services University and Creighton Dental School. She serves on the editorial board for Inside Dentistry.

Her current research projects involve investigating ceramic overlays, zirconia and salivary contamination of universal adhesives. Dr. Seibert is the creator and host of the top dental podcast, Dental Digest. She lectures to national and international audiences. 

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