Exceed Patient Expectations with Invisible Diastema Closure
Watch and learn Dr. Dennis Hartlieb's predictable technique for creating ideal interproximal contours with space closures.

Webinar Overview
This webinar will review the critical strategies for closing diastemas with free-hand bonding, including when you should prepare teeth, and the important considerations when adding width to anterior teeth to maintain esthetics.
Tired of overhangs in your composite restorations? Visible and unaesthetic composite margins? Unsymmetrical central incisors after restoring? If you cringe at the idea of using direct composite to close diastemas, this webinar is for you.
Tired of overhangs in your composite restorations? Visible and unaesthetic composite margins? Unsymmetrical central incisors after restoring? If you cringe at the idea of using direct composite to close diastemas, this webinar is for you.

Learn why non-preparation techniques are often the best choice for diastema closure cases.

Review key contouring and polishing techniques, along with important considerations when closing spaces and their impact on the smile.

Discover the steps to ensure proper sub-gingival contour with direct composite diastema closures.

Dr. Dennis Hartlieb
Dr. Dennis Hartlieb is an active member in the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry where he’s both an Accredited Member and Examiner for Accreditation. Dr. Hartlieb is the former President of the Chicago Academy of Interdisciplinary Dentofacial Therapy, and a member of the prestigious American Academy of Restorative Dentistry.
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