Why is continuing education so important? What does the AACD accreditation process look like?
More about Dr. Michael Sesemann
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Highlights from the Interview
Here are a few of the fascinating topics Dennis and Michael discuss in this interview.
Keep reading to learn more about each topic!
Keep reading to learn more about each topic!
If I had a message for younger dentists out there, it would be that if you can recognize people on your staff or recruit people on your staff that you can convince to change their job into a career, it will benefit you greatly. That's been the secret to our success.
Dr. Michael Sesemann
Growing Up as the Child of Truck Farmers
I started working when I was nine for an hourly wage of a dime an hour. And I'd be crawling in the dirt pulling weeds, and planes would be flying overhead. And I remember thinking, "Wow, there's another whole world out there."
Dr. Michael Sesemann
The Emergence of PPOs and Establishing a Fee for Service Practice
Running a Fee for Service Practice
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Dr. Sesemann shares about managing the emotional aspects of charging fee for service rates that make it possible to do cosmetic dentistry and to take care of staff members and the continuing education needs of the dental team.
The Importance of Personality Types with Patients and Staff
The Power of Considering Personalities
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Listen in to hear Dr. Sesemann share about the power of considering personalities when it comes to serving patients and building a strong, cohesive team in your dental office.
Accreditation with the AACD
The Hills and Valleys of AACD Accreditation
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In the interview, Dr. Sesemann and Dr. Hartlieb explain the AACD accreditation process in detail. In this clip, Michael shares about the emotional aspects of the accreditation journey.
Continuing Education Opportunities
You have got to find your continuing education home.
Dr. Michael Sesemann
Finding Your Continuing Education Home
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In this clip, Dr. Sesemann shares about how he realized that the Kois Center was going to be his CE home, and he encourages dentists to find their own CE home to better their dental practice.
Throat Cancer Diagnosis and Journey
What Dentists Can Do to Screen Patients
A Simple Check to Screen Patients for Cancer
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In this clip, Dr. Sesemann demonstrates what he does during oral exams to check patients' lymph nodes. This simple check takes less than a minute and can help people get a diagnosis and get the treatment they need.